Spud koloretsuetatik barietate arraroetara: Heimo Oberraunerren patata laborantza mundu liluragarria
Potatoes often take the spotlight as a side dish, but Heimo Oberrauner, a farmer from Kirchbach, Austria, is on a ...
Potatoes often take the spotlight as a side dish, but Heimo Oberrauner, a farmer from Kirchbach, Austria, is on a ...
In the first eight months of 2024, the region increased agricultural exports by 35 percent. The total foreign trade turnover ...
HZPC invites potato industry professionals to its annual Potato Days on November 7 and 8 in Joure, showcasing new potato ...
McCain Foods, through its seed potato production in Montrose, Scotland, is ensuring a sustainable and high-quality supply of seed potatoes. ...
This article discusses the results of Solynta's 2024 field trials in Kenya, where hybrid potato varieties with double-stack Late Blight ...
Potato farming can be a highly rewarding endeavor, but as with any agricultural venture, its success is determined by key ...
In the heart of Saint-Léon-le-Grand, Quebec, Bergeron & Sons, a family-owned potato farming enterprise, has reached a milestone by planting ...
The authorities introduced a regional emergency regime after heavy rains. In nine municipalities of the region, the average monthly rainfall ...
Nakuru Tubers highlights five crucial factors to consider when selecting potato varieties in Kenya, including agro-ecological zone compatibility, disease resistance, ...
The story of the humble potato, a crop now grown and consumed worldwide, began over 8,000 years ago in the ...
Eskualdeko barazki ekoizleak bilketa-lanak bukatzeko gertu daude. Beraz, gaurkoz, bertako nekazariek jada zulatu dute...
The CGIAR Genetic Innovation team, through the Facilities Upgrade and Mechanization Improvement Project, is improving precision in potato breeding by ...
The 2024 seed potato harvest in Eastern Canada has successfully concluded, with Mark Urquhart praising the teamwork, planning, and safety ...
A look at how farmer empowerment programs in Ethiopia are helping potato farmers like Tesho increase their yields, improve incomes, ...
PepsiCo and farmers in Sinaloa, Mexico, have started planting potatoes for Sabritas using regenerative agriculture practices to promote sustainability and ...
Estoniako Errepublikako Estatistika Sailaren arabera, herrialdean patata landatzeko eremua izan da ...
Patata prozesatutako produktuen eskaerak gora egiten duen heinean, Shimlako Patataren Ikerketa Zentral Institutuak (CPRI) berri bat aurkeztu du ...
Duela hainbat hamarkada, Moldavia eskualde nagusietako bat zen barazki freskoen hornikuntzan ...
Azken urteotan, Liushao udalerriak, Xundian konderriko paisaia eszenikoetan kokatuta, patataren laborantza ezinbestekotzat hartu du ...
Artikulu honek Europa osoan 2024ko patata uztaren ikuspegi orokorra eskaintzen du, Alemaniako errendimendu errekorra nabarmenduz, ekoizpena handituz ...
Hamarkadetan, patata nekazaritza Holandako nekazaritzaren zutabea izan da. Hala ere, klimaren eta kontsumitzaileen hobespenen azken bilakaera...
Irailaren amaieratik azaroaren hasiera arteko epea errepublikan tradizionalki garaitzat hartzen da ...
Uttarakhand-eko nekazaritza-sektoreak luzaroan oinarritzen da bere lur menditsu bereziarekin egokitzen diren laboreetan. Azken urteotan, Salon...
Saileko ordezkariek patataren usteldura marroia aurkitu zuten eskualdean, bakterio-gaixotasun arriskutsu bat ekar dezakeen ...
The article discusses the critical role of sustainable practices and innovations in reducing potato waste and promoting resilience in the ...